Saturday 14 April 2012

The Spirit Orb: To believe or not to believe? That is the question.

Maybe it is specs of dust. Perhaps it is due to a dirty camera lens?  Could it be the reflection of light from a camera flash? Or just maybe it is a spirit energy manifesting itself on a photo? What do we think about the phenomenon known as the spirit orb? Is it just a bunch of pop culture hokum?

There are so many reasons to doubt the validity of the orb. I myself have difficulty with it as well. I do not disbelieve that the orb could be the manifestation of spirit energy. I know that some pictures are hard to deny that there is something to this idea. I only doubt that the quantities of spirit orb photos that are being submitted for proof of paranormal activity are actually spirit energy. They are the easiest thing to fake, but they are also the easiest thing to believe in for those who are a little too easily excitable. 

When I see pictures of orb shots with someone on a beach on a bright sunny day being reported as a ghost following the family around, I tend to have my doubts. However, when I see an orb shot in a place that has had a history of disturbances with valid witnesses to attest to the reported encounters I am more inclined to believe it. I have a family history that takes root in South America, superstition is rampant. Voodoo practitioners worship in their own way, right next door to the Hindu family who prays at their altars while the Muslim man walks down the street outside chatting with the catholic man and his friend the Christian. It’s a nice melting pot of belief systems all with their own superstitions that as everyone gets to know one another, those superstitions begin to merge with each other.  Give those who are stuck in those systems of superstition a camera and let them catch an orb, next thing you know they have this whole story about how Aunty Zorita died and has been following the family ever since. Now with this picture they just took, they now have proof that she is still with the family.

As you can tell I bring in a mix of religions in that last paragraph mixed in with a little humor not to be insulting, but to make the case that sometimes a little too much excitement with just enough knowledge of religious beliefs and superstition can cause anything to seem like a haunting. I know this seems to be heading in the direction of me not believing that orbs could be spiritual energy but that is not the case. I just feel that it is too often taken as a sign of haunting just based on this one piece of supposed evidence by some groups. So please folks if you take a picture and see an orb don’t run with all your speed to get to a phone to call the local exorcist.

Now let’s talk about the other side of that coin. What about the scenario where you have the individual or family in a house where doors open and close? Where objects move by themselves? Voices and footsteps happen without explanation? What about the orbs in pictures those families take? Are they more credible? I say yes. When you have reported activity and this activity has witnesses to verify it I would have to call those orbs actual spirit orbs. Yes they still could be dust, but much less likely that they are just something so simple. When you see the picture of the cat staring up with its eyes locked onto something and in the picture you see an orb, there is probably something to that. I use this example because I just so happen to have that exact picture that a friend of mine posted on one of my pages of this exact situation. I will post that picture and let you be the judge.

What do you think? Is this cat looking at something? It seems that way to me. Ultimately when it comes to the question of whether or not I believe in orbs, my answer is yes I do believe that orbs can sometimes actually be a spirit energy manifesting itself. I just don’t think every single orb picture is a spectre from the great beyond. To quote Sigmund Freud, “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”

Follow me on Twitter and tell me what you think @Vijayp1982. Is there some relevant fact to orbs, or are they just bunk?

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