Monday 20 August 2012

The Followers

Historically, paranormal researchers have determined that spiritual energies have the ability to attach not only to people, but also to objects. My friend Brian who you can follow on Twitter @theonewithcp brought up a great subject. It is one of much debate. He referred to it as Stone-Tape theory. I had not heard that name before but the concept I am very familiar with.  The theory explanation that he and I discussed was a prison with a lot of emotional and traumatic energy build up will have that energy trapped within the building. Say that building gets torn down and now those stones and bricks get used to build say a home. All it would take is the right emotional response in the house to trigger that energy and next thing you know, you have paranormal activity in your home which never had it before. Far too many people think that for a house to be haunted it takes a direct death linked to the home or property, the ever so popular home built on a former cemetery repeatedly played a role in haunted house stories.
Aside from this belief causing a lot of concern and panic to those experiencing for the first time, it also makes it more difficult to determine how to end the activity.  What I mean by saying that, is that if you think your house is haunted because it is on cemetery land, the common resolution is to bless the land and home.  The activity doesn’t end and you don’t know why. That is likely because it isn’t the land or home that has the energy, but an object.  It could be a simple stone building block for your home; it could be a little trinket you picked up while on vacation.  As they say, the buyer must beware.
Some hauntings are more difficult to manage than others but before you can even make any headway in solving the problem; you have to know where the problem stems from. Sadly it may not be as simple as simply removing the object with the energy either. As many are already aware, energy transfers, therefore if it is in your house, it may have transferred to something else. You have to find the beginning of the problem and then start solving it step for step.
Bringing objects into the home that have spirit energies can have benevolent or malevolent activity that comes with it, people may have something that brings a sense of calm, or they may have something that causes harm. Without knowing the history of the trigger item that carried this energy, it will be more difficult to manage, but it is still manageable. Everything can be solved, there is always a solution, but always remember to be wary of what you bring home. Just because it came in attached to one thing doesn’t mean it will only be attached to that one thing. It may transfer repeatedly.  Without a good understanding, the challenges of dealing with the life beyond life can be great, but all it takes is a little acceptance and open-mindedness and those beyond can comfortably live alongside us.
Have any thoughts on this topic? Message me @Vijayp1982 or comment below.

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