Friday 20 July 2012

Cemetery walk

            The time was around 8pm on a Tuesday night when my camera man, Ian, and I went for an evening cemetery walk through.  The day light lasted much longer than anticipated but as the temperature cooled the mosquitos were becoming very insatiable. They somehow seemed to be fighting the effects of the “off woodsman” mosquito repellant. Tenacious little buggers, those blood suckers are.  The evening was strange, but not by way of major paranormal activity, but more so because of the lack of any feeling at all. The area is empty of EMF on the majority of all visits. I have never actually gotten a large amount of activity on my EMF detectors. I had no sense or feeling of anything paranormal throughout the entire walkthrough.  This is what is strange. I had no sense of anything at this point, which normally I would feel some sense of not being alone if there is something around. However during this walk through, I received numerous spikes on the MEL meter. Not flashes, but they actually held. If that wasn’t strange enough, the spikes would not just disappear but they would gradually taper down back to zero, but before long would spike up again.

My highest hit for the evening was a 4.2. Spikes above 1.5 on the MEL also showed up on the K2 meter. I did 2 EVP sessions throughout the walk, but received no responses at all. There was no other equipment that seemed to activate during the walkthrough which was roughly 2 hours. In addition to the high spikes that seemed stable, it appeared as though I could follow a path sometimes. It was almost like it was right in front of me and moving. Sometimes when it wasn’t in front of me leading, the energy signal was behind me and it would follow me. This happened throughout the entire duration of the 2 hours. Though I received no response on the digital recorder, I did get a number of K2 and MEL spikes relating to my questions. I would ask a question and it would spike up almost as though it was in response. This was of particular interest in the children’s area of the cemetery. I would ask questions about favorite toys and it was very obvious that it was an intelligent response, though it was nothing audible.
I found this interesting because I had no real explanation for either the EMF spikes or their stable activity through the night. I also cannot explain how I was getting direct responses with the MEL and K2 to questions I would ask. Perhaps whatever it was could not muster enough energy to give me an audible response. Perhaps it didn’t want to speak and was only with us that night because it was checking us out and trying to figure out why we were there, if there was in fact an it. I am not saying this for sure, but it was odd to say the least. Not a single picture, nor sound, no feeling of being followed, only Mel meter and K2 activity, but enough activity to be completely out of the ordinary for a place that normally is flat lined at 0 for EMF readings.
What do you think could have explained the odd readings? Tweet me at Vijayp1982 or comment below.

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