Tuesday 17 July 2012

SB7 dangers: Is it the new age Ouija board?

My friend Brian who you can follow on Twitter @theonewithcp brought up a very good topic in one of our many conversations. The stigma of the Ouija board and all of its dangers are well known through those who pay attention to it. Some are careless and put themselves at great risk by misusing or abusing the board with the thought of it being a joke. It is a very serious tool and even some of those who are more educated in spiritual matters choose to keep themselves distant from that type of spirit communication.

A tool known as the SB7 Ghost box, surely other models will follow, is gaining popularity among the world of paranormal investigation. I myself do have one as well. The question is does the ghost box carry the same dangers of the spirit board? It is a focus point that allows spirit entities to communicate with us, it does allow for contact with the other side, and it does convey our willingness to make contact with the other side as well. However, is it actually the same as using a planchette on a mystic alphabetical platform? I do not risk the use of the Ouija board as I feel that it carries an ability to open up a door that is much harder to close. The SB7 is a series of random radio frequencies that cycle through at a high rate allowing energies to form words. I do not believe that it opens a door way, just a communication.
My personal opinion is that a spirit board is more ritualistic in its methods of contact and therefore gives spirits more power to bring themselves to the living world. There is not such a ritual when using the ghost box; it is just like using a telephone. Hang up upon completion of the call. There may be some risk involved; however I believe that it is minimal. Part of this is because the use of radio frequency for contact could also be very distracting for an entity that needs to concentrate to communicate.  I think this allows for a stronger barrier between us and the other side. Do I think the dangers of the Ouija board can be the same for the SB7 Ghost box, I think not.  What do you believe?

Follow me on Twitter @Vijayp1982 or comment below and share your thoughts. Maybe you may change my mind, or maybe I can change yours.


  1. Have just ordered mine as a skeptic, i'll let you know my findings. Will follow on twitter (@Chill Chasers)
    Lee Newman

  2. I've been told that trying to record (I have sgk1 & 2,ghost radar) and even watching shows like paranormal survival,& haunted open you up to attract spirits and entities to where you live. Kind of like an antennae. Thoughts?


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