Friday 25 May 2012

How does a spirit come to life?

Energy can not be created or destroyed by ordinary means, it can only transform. We can thank Mr. Albert Einstein for this piece of scientific genius. This statement poses an interesting question regarding spirit anomalies.  A spirit entity is made up of Electro Magnetic Energy. So how did spirits come to be, if they can not be created or destroyed by ordinary means? In other words, how is a ghost created?
A human soul is the essence of who we are, so one can assume that if our soul is trapped after we pass on, that same essence can become spirit energy outside of the body. With no physical form it can move around without interaction of the surrounding environment. There may be the odd bang or creek, but relatively unaffecting.

A violent end can cause such a huge surge of energies that it gets imprinted on the surrounding area and replays as a residual haunt. With no consciousness to drive the cut scene from the spirits life, it is trapped in an unending loop. That consciousness of self can empower spirit energy. Consciousness can give the being focus and in so doing, give it physical capability. The entity can now interact with its environment as well as the people in the environment. This is a scarier notion because now you have a being that can touch you, but you can not touch it. It can see you but you can not always see it. A spirit can hide from all of the human’s basic senses. An exception to the previous rule would be our inner eye abilities; the senses beyond our 5 basics. Though we may not always be able to hear them, see them, touch them, smell them, or some how taste them, we still can some how “sense them.”

This is all great in theory, alas, it is just a theory. We as of yet, can not prove such things. There are an abundance of theories that can either support or oppose what I have just written. However, one thing seems thus far to be universal. It does appear that we all agree that a spirit is made up of Electro Magnetic Energy. It is just a matter of trying to determine how that energy gets personified.

Still, we have not even taken into account the other types of spirits that exist. This makes it even harder to determine how a ghost comes into being. I only spoke of residual and intelligent spirits. However, we then have things like poltergeists (which theoretically isn’t even a ghost), death omens, faeries, specters, masses, etc. Many different types exist, but do they all have a similar origin?

We may never truly know how this kind of creation even occurs. The genesis of life after life may always be a mystery, but what do you think? How do you think it plays out?

Let me know your thoughts. Follow me on twitter @Vijayp1982 or comment below.

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