Tuesday 14 May 2013

New Website

Hey everyone,
Officially, The Paranormal Perspective has launched its new site, with team bios.
Contact form is set up for anyone that feels that they are in need of assistance.
We are ready to go.


Thursday 4 April 2013

There is help

There are times in people’s lives where the unexplainable occurs and they have no one they can talk to about it. You hear many of these tails on today current media programming. Left right and center there are a lot of people on these programs talking about how they witnessed paranormal activity and what they experienced during that time.

For so many stories that make it on TV there are at least 10-15 others who attempted to be on these same programs to share their story. That being said, even though statistically speaking there are many of them whose stories are not truthful. Be it exaggerated or totally made up, at least a few of them, for every time the networks determine who gets on the show, which are true.

The number of real hauntings that are happening everyday is immense and of those people who struggle with it, a great many feel that they have to deal with it alone. Now I am just speaking about North America. If the numbers are so staggering in terms of how many people in North America go through this, just imagine how many hauntings, real hauntings, happen around the world.

How many of you out there are going through something and feel like you have no one to share it with, no one to talk to, or nowhere to turn for help? Share here in this forum or you can join my face book page paranormal experiences. Even go elsewhere and actually talk to other professionals in the paranormal field. There are places you can talk about it, and ways to get help without feeling ostracised. There are those out there who can help

Comment below or find me on twitter @Vijayp1982.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Paranormal World & Supernatural Realm

What is it that draws our attention to paranormal programming? What is it that makes us thirst for the bumps in the night?

I have read some articles saying that they feel that paranormal reality television is on the decline, yet I would have to say that I think that the paranormal world is more open than ever. In this day and age where people are no longer forced to hide what is happening in their homes for fear of ridicule, the world of paranormal reality has more possibilities than ever before.  It is no longer about getting your piece of the pie before the next investigation team, as the ever growing world of the supernatural allows for the fact that the pie itself is in fact growing.

There is no such thing as less activity. The world is always filling up with more and more deceased. The population of earth supports this fact. We know people die every day, and we know, unfortunately, that people don’t always die in the most happy of circumstances.  Not that this is a good thing, but it is a factual thing. The supernatural world grows faster and faster with each passing day.

Not only are there more and more loose spirits in the world every single day, but things do go much deeper than that. As many already know, there are also many other types of supernatural beings out there that were never human at all. That is a whole other world that also is an area that has much to be researched.

We have the realm of the psychics, the exploration of cryptids, UFO’s etc. There are many avenues of supernatural and paranormal research, many genres of study.  Is it all just a fad? No it isn’t because a fad comes and goes, where as this type of subject will always exist, for where there is life, there must be an afterlife.

Do not fall for the trick that this area of study is on its way out, for one out of place voice, one bump in the dark empty room; one touch when you are all alone, and you will quickly see that it is very much here to stay.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Realm of Shadow

Where do intelligent spirits dwell when they are not making themselves visible to us? What kind of place would it be? Though we can never truly know, we can assume that it isn’t a purgatory type of place as that is another dimension all together. Are they here around us all the time? Are they always able to see us? Are they never able to rest? Are they never able to have silence or peace? Could this very place be what turns a quiet spirit into an angry one?

Imagine a place where you are never able to tune everything else out, but always have to be present. Yet to even make a slight knocking noise for communication, your energy is spent because it takes everything you have got.

The shadow realm could very well be a place of a torturous limbo that would drive even the kindest soul mad. One could argue that it is a nicer place that could be even charming, however, if that were the case why would a spirit want to leave a happy place? Though only my opinion, those who remain and dwell in the living world when they have passed on do not want to remain in that place and wish to escape back to ours. Many may do so because they are scared to fully cross over for fear of what happens next, but the limbo they are in could be unbearable.

Residuals could also be there yet they would never know where they are. So again the intelligent spirit couldn’t interact even with the residuals. Just forced to exist alone and isolated with the only chance for contact coming through an attempt at forcing their energy into the lives of unsuspecting people who are sensitive to their existence in one way or another.

We will never truly know, but there is always the wonder. What is the realm of Shadows?

Let me know what you think this place could be. You can find me on Twitter @Vijayp1982 or comment below.

2013 – The end of the world never came

Hello all my friends and readers.

It has been a while. Since Halloween it has been quite busy and I haven’t been able to get much out to the viewers. However Hallelujah the world didn’t end on Dec 21, 2012. We are all here and it is a bright new year ahead of us all.

Let us all work to make every moment our best, every moment our finest, and let’s keep the world of the paranormal at the forefront of our thoughts. There is still so much to do, see, experience, and document.

The Mayan apocalyptic craze kicked up a lot of energy. The power of belief can do crazy things and when all that energy builds up to a boiling point but has no way to release, we can only imagine what the energy can do.

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Halloween 2012

As the day goes through and the tikes prepare,
They dress and prime to give us a scare,
Keep you eyes open, make sure their peeled,
For kids will be trick or treating when you control you steering wheel,
Lets help keep them safe , as they play and delight,
Lets help make them happy on Halloween night.
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